INK appeurhenesible concepts are solidified around the bases of designing and writing success stories, thus our scope usually goes beyond what our partners firstly perceive and award us with! Therefore, we are keen -baed on partners’ willingness- to intervene and tackle any related aspects that might as well ensure the intervention’s success
Why INK :
Actionable Intelligence Consultancy?
Is an exclusive service provides, in which entities can develop better understanding of an entire sector/ industry including the dynamics and expected trends.Thus, entities can benefit from such understanding prior to strategy formulation, design, planning, and execution. Therefore, selecting most appropriate strategic choices and designing suitable business models
This service is intended to fix and boost operational efficiency, which results on cost reduction and productivity increment, therefore, profitability increment!
After deciding on strategic directions, starts on designing project management templates that are based on the entities nature, needs, and capabilities. also works on preparing the entity’s teams with the necessities to carry on the projects. Such projects are stemming from comprehensive and collective programs, which established to fulfill certain endeavors and goals.Thus, the success of implementation is directly links to strategy success.
Prior to M&A or preparation for IPO, conducts a rigorous corporate’s health check, in which entities would have the choice to intervene on unseen dynamics including assets, RVP, excellence, and qualities, in addition to act upon systems’ member readiness, thus, entities would be in better position to correct its directions. It was proven to from previous experience that failure in strategies execution is stemmed, in the first place, from unattendance to system’s weakness.
One of the qualities that teams exceptionally enjoy is the ability to invent and come up with creative resolutions. In which, observes, through observatory, the market trends, disruptive upcoming forces, and end-users’ new emerging needs. Thus, starts investigating the internal dynamic capabilities and pinpoint the gap to fulfill the new developed needs. Moreover, entities can utilize such intelligence to pulse-check their movement with respect to the dynamics beyond.
Part of strategic endeavors is designing the BoD, and its emerging committees, in which selection of members is vital for the sake of supporting the executive
management to carryout their tasks. intervention goes beyond the design of BoD to touchpoint the effectiveness of the members, had developed a formula to ensure a fair assessment through monitoring the effectiveness of decisions, thus to create a space of reflection and correction
It is a special invention introduced by founders, in which, a simple mechanism can be injected into weekly routines to help systems’ members achieve their goals. Thus, supervisors, and management would marshal their focus on more strategic needs, therefore, achieving highest possible operational excellence
90% of strategy executions are prone to failure, globally! On such a base! had
adopted an innovative approach to re examine the concept of change and transformation by focusing on cultural and human aspects over technical ones. Thus, had proved from previous experience that first constructive steps of strategies execution stem from internal RVP’s and aligning internal dynamic capabilities with new endeavors